AI for building thermal control.


For Christophe Ricq and his team, the energy efficiency of buildings and the materials used is a major concern. In these times of energy scarcity, our teams of architects and engineers are recognized experts in heat pumps, insulation and solar panels.

Our approach

Our commitment to continuous innovation has also led us to explore the immense possibilities offered by home automation. It was from this motivation that our partnership with the R2D2 workshop on the OBLO connected solution was born.

The starting point

OBLO, created by R2D2, is an anticipatory heating control system for living spaces, 100% Swiss. It is based on a relatively simple premise: temperature changes in a closed space take place more slowly than outside. In other words, the heat inertia inside a building is greater than that of the environment in which it is located. This latency time, hitherto little or poorly exploited, offers an extraordinary opportunity: that of anticipating a home's energy needs according to variations in external environmental factors.

The principle

Optimized thermal management with OBLO starts with a detailed measurement of the speed of temperature variations in a dwelling. To make the best use of this data, other factors also need to be taken into account: building materials, geographical location, and in the case of a building, the floor of the dwelling. OBLO makes it possible to compile all these elements, as well as environmental factors. These include sunshine levels and duration, seasonal solar output, temperature, humidity, wind characteristics and precipitation forecasts.

In concrete terms

Continuously enriched with the data mentioned above, the OBLO algorithm can anticipate thermal needs and plan heat production. For example, this intelligent solution can determine how long the indoor temperature will be maintained after the heating has been switched off, whether in the event of a strong winter breeze or a spring sleet. What's more, this hyper-innovative system enables efficient and economical dynamic management of energy consumption, whether to maintain or increase the indoor temperature.

In brief

OBLO is a self-learning tool which, thanks to its multifactorial and dynamic approach, is constantly enriched by the data it collects. It is without doubt the most advanced solution on the market in this sector. Simple, in the form of a box, OBLO enables equipped apartments or detached houses to reduce their energy bills by 15 to 20%. It is therefore an ideal complement to the innovative solutions offered by Ricq Architectes. As a reminder, well thought-out and innovative thermal insulation reduces energy consumption by 30%. In addition, the use of a heat pump saves 70% compared with electric convectors. When you combine OBLO with these solutions, you'll make huge savings while protecting the environment.

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